1. 理清班组长工作思路、管理思维和行为方式
2. 领会班组长心智模式、角色定位和岗位职责
3. 塑造班组长职业心智、职业素质和职业修养
4. 提升班组长管理现场异常和解决问题的能力
5. 帮助班组长建立、完善班组规章制度和员工行为习惯
为进入该区域的任何人提供安全的工作环境Provide safe work environment for anyone entering the area
1. 总论General
2. 培训Training
3. 人机工程学Ergonomics
4. 事故跟踪与解决方案Incident Tracking and Resolution
5. 安全符号与目视化Safety Signs & Visualization
6. 危险品Hazardous Materials
7. 紧急疏散- 应急计划Evacuation - Disaster Plan
8. 工作场地有序安排Workplace Organization
9. 健康与安全政策Health and Safety Policies
10. 健康与安全检查Health and Safety Audits
11. 通过检查和跟踪确保健康和安全活动获得预期理想的结果。
12. 促进员工的健康Promotion of Employee Health
13. 案例1-4
让客户满意. . . Satisfy your Customer.
质量标准Quality Standards质量控制操作单Quality Control Operation Sheets现场工程工艺单Local Engineering Process sheets标准化的工作Standardized Work岗位指导培训Job Instruction Training班组缺陷流出Out of Team Defects当缺陷流出你所在的区域时,你自己必须予以纠正、并确认修理的情况质量反馈Quality Feedback檫伤控制/ 清洁车辆Mutilation Control/ Clean Car问题的解决Problem Solving质量指标Quality Targets促进并维护质量Promoting and Maintain Quality质量培训Quality Training质量会议Quality Meetings文件与数据Documentation and Data案例1-4
响应工作环境,以满足生产计划,缩短制造时间。Respond to Work Environment to meet production schedule and reduce lead time
1. 缺勤Absenteeism
2. 暗灯Andon
3. 设备检验/全员维护Equipment Checks/ Total Productive Maintenance
4. 物料Materials
5. 设备的最佳使用Optimal Use of Equipment
6. 瓶颈分析Bottleneck Analysis
7. 月度的生产计划Monthly Production Schedule
8. 监督绩效并采取整改措施Monitor Performance and take corrective action
9. 班次任务的结束End of Shift Tasks
10. 工艺的改变Process Changes
11. 准备控制数据Preparing Control Data
12. 会议Meetings
13. 新车型的准备Preparing for New Models
14. 案例1-4
IV. 生产成本COST
利润 = 销售价格 - 成本Profit = Price - Cost
降低成本Cost Reduction减少直接的和间接的物料Indirect and Direct materials reductionCIP 首创/ 日常改进CIP Initiative/ Daily Improvements劳动力Manpower案例1-4
交流Communications社交活动Social Activities培训Training维护Attendance绩效支持Performance Support班组会议Team Meetings轮岗Job Rotation维护工作场地规则Maintaining Worksite Rules质量控制循环活动Quality Control Circle Activity关心并支持班组新成员Care and Support of New Members案例1-4
VI.管理者必须知道些什么? What the Gemba Leader Must Know
1. 领导的角色Role of the Leader
2. 车间的现场管理Shop Floor Management
3. 工作场地有序安排Workplace Organization
4. 目视管理Visual Management
5. 问题解决Problem Solving
6. 不断改进Continuous Improvement
7. 安全精神Safety Spirit
8. 成员的发展Member Development
9. 促进团队合作Fostering Teamwork
10. 制造质量Built-In-Quality
11. 计划-实施-检查-行动Plan-Do-Check-Action
12. 你对结果负有最终职任! You Have the Ultimate Responsibility for Results