张卫山,中国石油大学教授。男,计算机与通信工程学院,最高学历博士研究生,研究领域软件工程,普适计算中间件,物联网,云计算。近三年主要科研成果《Enhancing Intelligence of a Product Line Enabled Pervasive Middleware》, 《Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal.》, 2010,6(2), 第一作者, EI《Synergy between Software Product Line and Intelligent Pervasive Middleware-a PLIPerM Approach》, 《International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology》, 2008,1(1), 第一作者《QoS-aware Self-adaptation of Communication Protocols in a Pervasive Service Middleware》, 《IEEE/ACM GreenCom 2010》, 2010, 第一作者, EI《A Research Roadmap for Context-Awareness-based Self-Managed Systems》, 《SeMaPS 2012》, 2012, 第一作者, EI《Towards a Comprehensive and Lightweight User State Monitoring System on Android Smartphones》, 《EPS 2021》, 2012, 第一作者《A Hybrid Indoor Positioning Approach for Supermarkets》, 《SeMaPS 2012》, 2012, 第一作者。